Var kāds lūdzu gramatiski pareizi iztulkot angliski...?

´´Ja laikapstākļi būtu labi, tad es uzvilktu...´´
´´Ja laikapstakli būs labi, tad es uzvilkšu...´´

av2 (2016-07-23 07:55)  1   if the weather cooperates, i´ll use this ....clothes, dresses ...bla, bla, bla... :)

Ariel (2016-07-23 08:23)

fargo (2016-07-23 09:19)  3 2 if the weather is fine, i would wear...
if the weather is fine, i will wear...

lai arī tiek domāts nākotnes laikam, tiek lietota tagadnes forma

Lele (2016-07-23 09:26)  1 5 1) If the weather were fine I would wear..

2) If the weather is fine, I will wear..

Liekas, ka autors maacaas The Subjunctive Mood...kaa buutu, jaa buutu...

Edgars37 (2016-07-23 11:44)  2   Mans variants ar:

if the weather would be fine, I would put on...
if the weather will be fine, I will put on...

Jautajums autoram - Kurs no piedavatajiem variantiem izradijas pareizakais;)?

barseloneta (2016-07-24 09:48)    1 If the weather were fine, I would wear... (Second Conditional)
If the weather is fine, I will wear...(First Conditional)
Tēma - Conditionals.

NL_O (2016-08-25 19:41)      :) negramatiski: "Whether or not that f...... British weather is fine, I would better see you naked." (vīriešiem gan es to neteiktu)

Normal (2018-03-12 23:21)  1   Mja. Nevienam no jums nav angļu filologa izglītības.

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